Product Protection Insurance
Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement
Prepared on 17 July 2017
Virginia Surety Company, Inc. (ARBN 080 339 957)
Australian Financial Services Licence number 245579
Authorised representative of Virginia Surety Company, Inc.:
eBay International AG (Authorised Representative No. 308318)
The Warranty Group Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 37 005 004 446)
This document is a combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement for Product Protection Insurance (Combined FSG and PDS)
This Combined FSG and PDS is divided into two parts:
- Part A: Financial Services Guide (FSG); and
- Part B: Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
Part A
We are Virginia Surety Company, Inc. ARBN 080 339 957, AFSL No. 245579 (VSC), the issuer of Product Protection Insurance. References in this FSG to 'We', 'Our' or 'Us' are references to VSC. The Warranty Group Australasia Pty Ltd, ABN 37 005 004 446 (TWG) administers the insurance policy and claims on Our behalf. You can apply for Product Protection Insurance from Us through www.ebay.com.au.
We have appointed eBay International AG (eBay), facilitator of the insurance through the website www.ebay.com.au, as Our authorised representative (Authorised Representative No. 308318). This FSG covers the financial services provided by both Us and by eBay on Our behalf.
This FSG is provided to assist You in making informed decisions about the financial services offered to You. It explains who We and eBay are, the financial services provided, how We remunerate and what remuneration is paid to eBay, and how Your complaints are dealt with.
Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Product Protection Insurance contained in Part B of this document to ensure the cover provided suits Your individual needs. The PDS contains information about the cover, including any relevant risks, benefits and significant features of the cover. It contains important information about the cover that will assist You in making an informed decision. You should read the PDS carefully. To see how you are covered, go to page 5.
Authorised services
Product Protection Insurance is available from Us through www.ebay.com.au. We have appointed eBay as Our authorised representative to deal in and provide general financial product advice about general insurance products so that You can apply for Product Protection Insurance using its online platform. We act for Ourselves and not as agent for You when eBay provides the financial services on Our behalf.
We pay eBay a fee of up to 31.5% of the premium You pay. This fee is included in Your premium and is not an extra charge to You. We have authorised eBay to distribute this Combined FSG and PDS. eBay is not liable for the content of the PDS.
How can You provide instructions?
If You want to provide Us with information and instructions in relation to the Product Protection Insurance policy You purchase, You can do so by contacting Us via the contact details below.
If You want to provide eBay with information and instructions in relation to the financial services offered to You by eBay under this FSG, You can do so by contacting eBay via the contact details below.
Your Privacy
We are bound by the Australian Privacy Act 1988. In arranging for VSC to issue You with a Product Protection Insurance policy, We and eBay need to receive certain personal information about You. When applying for Cover on eBay You provide eBay with information in accordance with eBay's privacy policy available at http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/privacy-policy.html and You consent to eBay providing Us, as a seller on eBay.com.au, with information for the purpose of Us providing cover to You. We need this information to process Your application, and without it We may not be able to issue Your insurance policy. We are not allowed to use this information for purposes unrelated to arranging Your insurance policy, such as to contact You for marketing purposes, unless We have Your express consent. We may collect further information from You when processing Your claim. We may disclose Your personal information to Our policy and claims administrator. We may also disclose Your information to Our domestic and offshore related bodies corporate, contractors or service providers, all of which are required to keep Your information confidential. If You have any questions or queries on the above, including where Your personal information may be stored, or how it may be used, or would like to access the information We have about You, or to make a complaint, see Our privacy policy which is available on the VSC website at: http://virginiasurety.com.au/privacy-policy/.
If You have a complaint
If You have any complaint about the insurance policy or any services provided to You in relation to it, You may request to speak with the supervisor or manager of the area You are dealing with. If Your complaint is not resolved You can then contact Our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Panel which seeks to resolve any complaints or disputes that may arise. To do so, please contact Us at the VSC contact address below or call 1300 654 611. If You are not satisfied with the response, and the matter is not related to use of Your personal information, You may take the matter up with an external dispute resolution body, the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”). You can contact the FOS at:
Telephone: 1800 367 287 Facsimile: (03) 9613 6399
Website: www.fos.org.au Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001
You can contact Us by phone on 1300 654 665, by post at PO Box 246, Balwyn VIC 3103 or by email at enquiries.au@virginiasurety.com.
You can contact eBay by clicking on the Help & Contact link on www.ebay.com.au, or by going directly to https://ocsnext.ebay.com.au/ocs/home, or at Helvetiastrasse 15/17, 3005 Bern, Switzerland.
Part B
Important Information About This Policy
The purpose of this PDS is to give You the information You require to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase Product Protection Insurance. To assist You in understanding the Cover provided by the Policy, this PDS details the significant features of the Policy, including the Policy's benefits, risks and information about how the insurance premium is calculated. The information is general and does not take account of Your individual needs.
This PDS, in addition to the Policy Schedule, forms Your contract of insurance with Us. Provided You have paid the premium, We will insure You during the Period of Cover subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set out in this PDS. Before deciding to purchase this Policy, You should read this PDS carefully to understand the extent of Cover provided by this product and its terms, conditions and exclusions.
Capitalised terms and expressions used in this PDS have the meanings given to them at the beginning of the Policy Wording in Section 2.
We suggest You store these documents in a safe place.
The Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) protects consumers by automatically giving them basic, guaranteed rights for goods they purchase (“Consumer Guarantees”) at no charge. For example, the ACL requires that, taking account of the nature of goods, the price, any representations made by the supplier or manufacturer and other relevant circumstances, the goods must be free of defects, do what they are meant to do, be safe, durable and acceptable in appearance and finish, be fit for any particular purpose that the consumer makes known and comply with any description given or any demonstration model used.
In the event of a breach of a Consumer Guarantee where there is a major failure of the goods, consumers are entitled to reject the goods and choose a replacement or refund and claim compensation for any reasonable foreseeable loss or damage suffered by consumers as a result of the failure. Where the failure does not amount to a major failure, consumers are entitled to have the supplier repair or replace the goods (at the supplier's choice). Whether a specific failure breaches a Consumer Guarantee and a consumer is entitled to a remedy under the ACL will depend on the circumstances.
Consumer Guarantees have no set time limit but generally last for an amount of time that is reasonable to expect in the circumstances, given factors including the cost and quality of the goods, the use made of the goods or any representation made by the supplier or manufacturer. Consumer Guarantees may continue even at the expiry of the Manufacturer's Warranty for the goods or this Product Protection Insurance. The exact amount of time that Consumer Guarantees last in the case of a specific purchase varies depending on the circumstances.
Consumers with a claim for breach of a Consumer Guarantee should contact the supplier of the goods at first instance. If You are unable to reach resolution with the supplier as to the remedy, You should seek independent advice and/or contact the ACCC (contact details below) or Your state/territory fair trading body.
The following table is a summarised comparison of Consumer Guarantees and the protections offered by this Product Protection Insurance. Please note that this table is a summary only and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice on the ACL and reading the full Terms and Conditions of the Product Protection Insurance contained in this document, as certain limitations and exclusions apply in certain circumstances, including an exclusion if You fail to use Your Product in accordance with the manufacturer's care instructions or if the Product is accidentally damaged, unless the accidental damage cover was available to You and You purchased it. In addition, You can visit www.accc.gov.au for more information on the Consumer Guarantees. Please note that, in addition to the protections below, You may have additional rights against a manufacturer under a Manufacturer's Warranty.
Also note, the rights under the Product Protection Insurance to some degree replicates Your rights under ACL and apply after 30 days from Your Policy Purchase Date. For example, should Your Product fail, You have the right under ACL to have the Product repaired or replaced or to be provided with a refund by the supplier of the Product under certain circumstances. The Product Protection Insurance also allows You to seek a repair, replacement, voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the Original Purchase Price or the remaining amount of the Maximum Policy Benefit through the Insurer rather than Product seller. The type of remedy provided is at Our discretion. If You accidentally break Your Product, You have no ACL protection for the repair or replacement of the Product, however if the Cover is available and You purchased the Accidental Damage protection under the Product Protection Insurance, You can seek to have the Product repaired or replaced through the Insurer. All claims under the Product Protection Insurance are subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy.
It is Your choice as to whether You buy the insurance and it is Your choice as to whether You choose to seek a remedy from Us under the insurance or whether You directly seek a remedy from the product supplier or product manufacturer.
All Your usual consumer rights apply when you shop with an Australian online business. Those rights may also apply when You buy from an overseas online business although You might find it difficult to get a repair, replacement or refund because the business is not based in Australia.
Protection |
ACL rights and remedies |
Rights Under the Product Protection Insurance |
Am I protected if the Product is defective? |
Protection where the Product is not of 'Acceptable Quality', 'Fit for Purpose', or does not 'match the description'. This includes protection against defects such as mechanical or electrical failure. |
Protection (after 30 days from Policy Purchase Date) against mechanical or electrical failure (or accidental damage if the option was available and purchased), irrespective of whether it be due to manufacturer defect or fair wear and tear. |
How long does the protection against defects last? |
A reasonable period from the date of delivery until the defect becomes apparent. What is reasonable will depend on the circumstances including nature of the Product, the price, the way it is used and any statements or representations made about the Product. In certain circumstances, taking into account the factors listed above, this reasonable period may cover the period of time that protection is available under the Product Protection Insurance. |
Protection commences after thirty days from when the Policy is purchased by You and ceases six months or one, two, three, four, five or six years later depending on the insurance period available to be purchased. |
What remedies are available if the Product is defective? |
Repair, refund, replacement and/or damages for consequential loss. The exact remedy will depend on the specific circumstances. |
If the Product is $400 or less: At Our discretion, We will either replace the Product or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the Original Purchase Price. If the Product is more than $400: We will either repair the Product if repairable, or at our discretion, we will either replace the Product, or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the Maximum Claim Benefit. If the Product has previously been repaired: At Our discretion, We will either repair the Product again, or replace the Product, or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the remaining amount of the Maximum Policy Benefit. No lemon guarantee: If the same part of the Covered Product has been repaired three times, on the fourth time, at Our discretion We will either replace the Product, or provide You with a voucher, or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the Original Purchase Price. Maximum to be paid in aggregate for all claims is the Maximum Policy Benefit of the Product. Damages for consequential loss cannot be claimed. |
Who is obliged to provide the remedy for a defective Product? |
Supplier (if seeking a repair, refund or replacement, or claiming damages). Manufacturer (if claiming damages). |
VSC via the Product Protection Insurance Administrator, contactable on 1300 131 307. |
Cost of coverage |
No Cost |
The cost of the Product Protection Insurance. |
Is a Technical Assistance Helpline available to help with my product? |
Not required under the ACL but some suppliers and manufacturers do provide a helpline. |
No. |
Is there a guarantee that any repair will be carried out in a reasonable time? |
The Product must be repaired within a reasonable time or You are entitled to a replacement or a refund. |
Your Product will be replaced if repair takes longer than 21 days. |
What happens if I receive a remedy for a defective product? |
Any repaired Product continues to be covered. Any replacement product will also be covered. |
Any repaired Product continues to be covered. If You receive a replacement Product, a voucher or settlement by other means, the Product Protection Insurance ends and the defective Product is kept by Us. |
Food spoilage |
Entitled to compensation for consequential loss caused by the defect, which may, in certain circumstances, include food spoilage. |
If Your Covered Product is a refrigerator or freezer, up to $300 for food spoilage caused by the failure. |
Laundry costs |
Entitled to compensation for consequential loss caused by the defect, which may, in certain circumstances, include laundry costs. |
If Your Covered Product is a clothes washer or clothes dryer, up to $110 for laundry service if the appliance can't be used. |
We appreciate that You may want the certainty of knowing that if Products You buy are faulty they are covered for a specific time period.
When You purchase the Product Protection Insurance You are obtaining certainty as to the period of coverage and the remedy You will receive and the convenience of having the repair and/or replacement process managed for You under the Product Protection Insurance. You don't have to worry as to whether it was a domestic or international seller You purchased Your Product from, or whether the manufacturer or refurbishment warranty still applies or not. If the incident is covered by Your Product Protection Insurance, We will take care of it for You.
You will be entitled to the benefits set out below that are not available under the ACL, subject to the terms and conditions of Your Policy:
The ACCC's contact details
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
1300 302 502
Indigenous Infoline 1300 303 143
This Insurance Policy is underwritten by Virginia Surety Company, Inc. (VSC) (ARBN 080 339 957) of Level 2, 693 Burke Road Camberwell VIC 3124. In this PDS, the Insurer is called 'We', 'Us' or 'Our'. We hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (number 245579). You can contact Us:
The Warranty Group Australasia Pty Ltd (TWG) (ABN 37 005 004 446) administers the Policy and claims on Our behalf.
Product Protection Insurance is available from Us through www.ebay.com.au. We have appointed eBay International AG (eBay), facilitator of the insurance through the website www.ebay.com.au, as Our authorised representative (Authorised Representative No. 308318) so that You can apply for this Cover through the website.
In acting as Our authorised representative (Authorised Representative No. 308318), eBay is acting on Our behalf, and not as Your agent. They will receive a fee from Us, please refer to the Financial Services Guide for details.
The purchase of this Policy is optional. You are entitled to arrange this Cover through any insurer of Your choice.
To be eligible for this Cover the Product must be an eligible Product determined by Us and:
The Cover must be purchased at the time the Product is purchased.
Important Note:
A separate Product Protection Insurance Policy must be purchased for every Product You wish to Cover.
Please ensure that You retain the Original Tax Invoice from eBay that records the Product purchased that You wish to Cover with Product Protection Insurance, together with this combined FSG and PDS as these will be required in the event of a claim.
The Product Protection Insurance Policy operates in parallel to any Manufacturer Warranty and any other warranty implied by law. You choose whether you seek to have Your Product serviced by Us under this insurance or whether on Your own accord You pursue Your consumer rights under the Australian Consumer Law and refer back to the Product supplier or manufacturer when it suffers an Electrical or Mechanical Breakdown
Please note, where there is an option to purchase Accidental Damage protection for Your Product, if it suffers accidental damage You can only seek to have the Product serviced by Us under this insurance.
There is a thirty (30) day waiting period starting from the Policy Purchase Date before Cover under Your Product Protection Insurance starts. You cannot make a claim during the waiting period.
The Policy is an insurance policy with the significant features and benefits as set out below:
The Product Protection Insurance Policy applies to White Goods, Computers, Home Electronics, Household Appliances and other Products introduced from time to time purchased on www.ebay.com.au for Australian use.
Subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Product Protection Insurance, We agree that if during the period of Cover the Product suffers an unexpected Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown or Accidental Damage (if the option was available and purchased), as defined in this PDS, we will at Our discretion either:
In the event that the Covered Product is unable to be repaired due to non-availability of parts, then at Our discretion We will either replace the Product, or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the remainder of the Maximum Policy Benefit.
The Maximum Claim Benefit payable by Us for an Eligible Claim under the Product Protection Insurance Policy, will be the lesser of the Original Purchase Price or $5,000.
The Maximum Policy Benefit is the lesser of the Original Purchase Price or $5,000. The Maximum Policy Benefit is the maximum amount that may be paid in aggregate for all Eligible Claims. By way of example, if the Original Purchase Price of Your Product is $900 and the first repair claim was $200, the second repair claim was $400, Your aggregate claim cost would be $200 + $400 = $600. The remaining claim benefit on Your Policy after the second claim would be $900 - $600 = $300.
In respect of certain White Goods, additional Policy benefits are available in the event of an Eligible Claim. For further details refer to the 'Food Spoilage and Laundry Service' section of the Policy Wording.
If You sell Your Covered Product You may transfer this Policy to the new owner. For further details refer to the “What Happens If I Sell The Covered Product? – Transfer of Ownership' section of the Policy Wording.
The following features of Your Product Protection Insurance Policy provide You with peace of mind when You have an Eligible Claim:
o The date the repairer sends to You or makes available to You Your Covered Product having completed repairs; and
o The date that is 21 days after the repairer received possession of Your Covered Product;
Our liability under this Policy is excluded in certain circumstances. You should refer to the 'Policy Exclusions' section in the Policy Wording section to ensure that You are aware of all exclusions that apply to the Cover provided.
Your Cover will end if certain events occur. You should refer to the circumstances in which Your Cover will end, detailed in the section 'When am I Covered?'.
Duration of the Product Protection Insurance
The Product Protection Insurance Policy Cover commences after 30 days from when the Policy is purchased by You and ceases six months or one, two, three, four, five or six years later depending on the insurance period purchased.
The Product Protection Insurance Policy runs in parallel with Your Australian Consumer Law rights and Manufacturer Warranty. It is Your choice as to whether:
1. You purchase the insurance policy; and
2. You exercise Your rights within the Policy or outside the Policy when seeking a remedy for Your Product.
Please note, if You purchase the Accidental Damage cover, You will only be able to seek remedy under the Policy if the Product is accidentally damaged.
You should be aware of the following risks associated with the Policy:
Disclosure Obligations: Failure to comply with disclosure obligations may have consequences in relation to the Cover being provided or may affect a claim being paid. These consequences are outlined under 'Your Duty of Disclosure' in the Policy Wording.
Consumer Rights: All Your usual consumer rights apply when You shop with an Australian online business. Those rights may also apply when You buy from an overseas online business, although You might find it difficult to get a repair, replacement or refund because the business is not based in Australia.
Policy Coverage: Our liability under this Policy is excluded in certain circumstances and we will not be liable for any claim if the following occurs:
Please Note: Refer to the Cancellation by Us section in the Policy Wording of this Product Disclosure document.
In order to understand when the Policy will provide Cover and when it will not, You should carefully read the 'Policy Exclusions' section in the Policy Wording relating to the Cover.
Variation to Your Cover: It is important that You notify Us of any change to Your circumstances, including if You change Your address.
We reserve the right to obtain an independent assessment and valuation report in the event of any claim.
Application for Product Protection Insurance is via eBay's online platform www.ebay.com.au .Upon receipt of Your application and payment of premium We will email to You confirmation that Your application has been accepted and We will provide Your Policy Schedule together with a copy of the PDS.
The premium payable for Your Policy will be shown on the Cover options available to You. In setting premiums, a number of factors are taken into consideration. These factors may include:
The premium will vary depending on the Cover You choose. The premium amount will be calculated and provided to You at the time You apply for Cover and will be detailed in the Policy Schedule. You may also be required to pay one-off fees in the following circumstances:
Taxation Information
Premiums are subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) and stamp duty imposed by Commonwealth and State Governments. GST will also affect any claim You make under the Policy. Please refer to the 'How to Make a Claim' section in the Policy Wording.
Generally, Your premium is not tax deductible and claims payments are not assessable income for income tax purposes unless You purchase the Policy for business purposes. This taxation information is a general statement only. You should seek professional taxation advice for information about Your personal circumstances.
When entering into a policy of insurance, We rely on the information You provide to Us. You are required to be truthful in answering Our questions. You must tell Us anything known to You, or that should be known by You, that could affect Our decision to insure You. Please refer to the full details under 'Your Duty of Disclosure' and 'Ongoing Disclosure' in the Policy Wording.
We understand that Your needs may change. Accordingly, as part of Your Policy, We offer a thirty (30) day cooling off period. If You should decide for any reason whatsoever that this Policy does not suit Your individual needs, You may cancel Your Policy within 30 days of Your Policy Purchase Date and receive a full refund, provided no claims have been lodged.
If You wish to cancel Your Policy during this period, You must notify Us in writing:
- By mail: PO Box 246, Balwyn VIC 3103
- By email: epolicy.au@virginiasurety.com
To cancel Your Policy at other times, please refer to the 'How Can Your Policy Be Cancelled' section in the Policy Wording.
Should You have a concern relating to any area of our business or Your Policy You may request that itbe dealt with by the supervisor or manager directly responsible for that area. If Your complaint is notresolved by the supervisor or manager, Your complaint may then be referred to Our Internal DisputesPanel. You can contact Our Internal Disputes Panel:
- By emailing Us at customerfeedback.au@virginiasurety.com;
- By writing to PO Box 246, Balwyn VIC 3103; or
- By phone on 1300 654 611.
We will respond to Your complaint in writing provided We have all the necessary information. If You are not satisfied with the outcome and the matter is not related to use of Your personal information, You may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS may be contacted:
- By phone on 1800 367 287 (free call);
- By fax on (03) 9613 6399;
- By writing to GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001;
- By emailing them at info@fos.org.au; or
- On the web http://www.fos.org.au
You should refer to the section 'How to Make a Claim' in the Policy Wording for the information regarding making a claim under the Policy. We reserve the right to obtain an independent assessment and valuation report.
Virginia Surety Company, Inc participates fully in the General Insurance Code of Practice (Code). The Code was developed with the objective of raising the standards of service and practices in the insurance industry to a level that seeks to achieve total customer satisfaction. The Code aims to improve the quality of policy documentation and information provided to consumers; employee and agent training; claims handling and dispute resolution. Please contact Us if You would like to obtain Our brochure on the Code.
Virginia Surety Company, Inc. is bound by the Australian Privacy Act 1988. In order for Us to provide You with Insurance We and eBay need to receive certain personal information about You. When applying for Cover on eBay You provide eBay with information in accordance with eBay's privacy policy available at http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/privacy-policy.html and you consent to eBay providing Us, as a seller on eBay.com.au, with information for the purpose of Us providing Cover to You. We need this information to process Your application, and without it We may not be able to issue Your insurance policy. We are not allowed to use this information provided to Us by eBay for purposes unrelated to arranging Your insurance policy, such as to contact You for marketing purposes, unless We have Your express consent. We may collect further information from You when processing Your claim. The purposes for which We receive Your personal information are to provide the Insurance, handle inquiries about the Insurance, for security checks to verify Your identity, to administer claims and related, secondary or ancillary purposes. The personal information We receive may be disclosed to assessors, loss adjusters, and other service providers who perform activities in connection with the purposes for which We receive information, as well as companies within The Warranty Group including Our companies in the UK, USA, China, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand. In accordance with Our Privacy Policy You have rights of access to, and correction of, Your personal information upon request. You also have the right to complain about Our management of Your personal information, which is also detailed in Our Privacy Policy. If You would like a copy of Our Privacy Policy, would like access to the information We have about You or wish to make a complaint, please contact Our Privacy Officer on 1300 654 611 or visit http://virginiasurety.com.au/privacy-policy. By applying for the Policy, You consent to Us managing Your personal information in accordance with Our Privacy Policy.
If We become insolvent, this Policy may be protected under the Federal Government's Financial Claims Scheme administered by APRA. This means that if You meet certain eligibility criteria You may receive payment under the scheme. For more information please refer to the following website: https://www.fcs.gov.au .
When We pay a claim under the Policy, We have the right to take over and enforce any right You may have to recover the loss from another party. We may do this in Your name and You have an obligation to assist Us as required.
SECTION 2 - Policy Wording
Some words have a special meaning in this Policy & Product Disclosure Statement. These words are listed below.
Accidental Damage: means a sudden, unexpected and unintentional external event that results in physical damage to the Product including spilled liquids and drops. Cover includes screen damage on Mobile Devices. Does not include cosmetic damage such as scratches, peeling, dents or chips.
APRA: means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Cancellation Fee: means the lesser of $55 or 10% of the total premium paid for Your Policy.
Claims Administrator: means The Warranty Group Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 37 005 004 446).
Computers, Home Electronics or Household Appliances: means but not limited to -
- Appliances: small kitchen appliances, audio equipment, consoles and DVD players;
- Computers: Laptops, Desktops and Tablets;
- Digital Imaging: Digital cameras, Digital Camcorders;
- GPS: GPS Navigational Systems;
- LCD TV: LCD or LED Televisions;
- Mobiles: Mobile Phones; and
- Plasma TV: Plasma Televisions.
Cover: means the protection provided by this Policy.
Covered Product: means the Product for which cover was purchased as stated on Your Original Tax Invoice.
Electrical Breakdown: means the unexpected failure under normal use of a Covered Product's electrical components and parts causing sudden stoppage of their function necessitating repair or replacement.
Eligible Claim: means a claim that complies with all of the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.
Manufacturer's Warranty: means the warranty coverage provided by the original equipment manufacturer from the date of purchase of the Covered Product.
Maximum Claim Benefit: means the maximum amount that may be paid under the Policy for an Eligible Claim. The Maximum Claim Benefit is the lesser of the Original Purchase Price or $5,000.
Maximum Policy Benefit: means the maximum amount that may be paid in aggregate for all Eligible Claims. The Maximum Policy Benefit is the lesser of the Original Purchase Price or $5,000.
Mechanical Breakdown: means the unexpected failure under normal use of a Covered Product's mechanical components and parts causing sudden stoppage of their function necessitating repair or replacement.
Mobile Devices: means a Laptop, Tablet Device, Mobile Phone, Digital Camera or other products introduced from time to time.
Original Purchase Price: means the item cost of the Insured Product as stated on the Original Tax Invoice inclusive of GST but exclusive of postage and handling charges or other third party fees.
Original Tax Invoice: means the email from eBay confirming Your order for the Product covered by the Product Protection Insurance policy.
Period of Cover: means the period of Cover as stated on the Policy Schedule.
Policy: means this Product Protection Insurance.
Policy Purchase Date: means the day You purchased Your Policy as detailed in the Policy Schedule.
Policy Schedule: refers to the form on which information about yourself and the type of Cover You have chosen and includes any written amendments We send You.
Policy Transfer Fee: means the lesser of $25 or 5% of the total premium paid for Your Policy.
Product: means a new, used or refurbished White Goods, Computers, Home Electronics, Household Appliances or other products in good working order introduced from time to time purchased via 'ebay.com.au'.
Product Protection: means the Cover provided by this Policy.
Total Loss: a Covered Product will be deemed a Total Loss when we consider it uneconomical to repair the Covered Product or when the cost to repair is in excess of the Original Purchase Price.
We, Us, Our: means the insurer, Virginia Surety Company, Inc. (ARBN 080 339 957).
White Goods: means but not limited to –
Air Conditioners, Dryers, Refrigerators, Heaters,
Cooktops, Ovens, Rangehoods,
Dishwashers or Washing Machines.
You, Your: means the person nominated as the purchaser on the Original Tax Invoice.
What You must tell Us and why: When entering into a contract of insurance with Us You must answer Our questions truthfully and You have a duty under law to tell Us anything known to You and which a reasonable person in the circumstances would include in answer to Our questions. We will use Your answers to decide whether or not to insure You and anyone else named on the Policy, and on what terms We will provide Cover.
Who needs to tell Us: It is important that You understand You are answering questions for yourself and those answers will affect anyone else You want to be covered by the Policy. You have the same duty to disclose this information to Us before You extend, vary or reinstate the Policy.
If You do not tell Us: If You do not answer Our questions in this way, We may reduce or refuse to pay a claim, or cancel the Policy. If You answer Our questions fraudulently, We may refuse to pay a claim and treat rescind the Policy.
Changes to Your Details or Circumstances:
You must inform Us immediately in writing if You change any of Your contact details including Your name, address, phone number or email address.
During the Period of Cover and subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy, We will repair or replace the Covered Product as necessary to correct any failure to the Covered Product, which occurs by Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown or Accidental Damage should this option be available to You and You have purchased it. In the event that We are unable to repair or replace the Covered Product, We will provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the remaining Maximum Policy Benefit.
If We repair your Covered Product, You understand and agree that We may replace original parts with new or used parts from the original manufacturer, or a different one. Replacement parts will be functionally equivalent to the original parts.
At Our discretion, We may designate an affiliated company or contract with a third party to complete repairs on the Covered Product. If We decide that it is necessary to replace the Covered Product rather than repair it, You will receive a Product equivalent to or better than the Product You originally purchased.
It is important to understand that You are not Covered during the thirty (30) day waiting period which starts from the Policy Purchase Date.
Replacement Terms
We may replace the Covered Product with an equivalent Product when it is not economical to repair or repair costs will exceed the Original Purchase Price.
Technological advances may result in a replacement Product with a lower purchase price than the original Covered Product, however, in no case shall the replacement cost exceed the Original Purchase Price You paid for the Covered Product.
Replacement of the Covered Product shall constitute fulfilment of the Product Protection Insurance and any remaining Period of Cover does not transfer onto the new Product. The new Product may be Covered by the Manufacturer's Warranty applicable to that Product at the time of replacement.
The Maximum Claim Benefit payable in the event of an Eligible Claim under the Product Protection Insurance Policy is the lesser of the Original Purchase Price of the Covered Product or $5,000.
The Maximum Policy Benefit payable is the lesser of the Original Purchase Price or $5,000.
We will not accept any liability to You, or any subsequent owner or other user of the Product, for any incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, liability or damages for the Product not being available for use, loss or corruption of data or software, personal injury, death, other indirect loss due to Product failure, or any and all incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the Product, even if You have advised us of the possibility of such damages.
The following conditions apply to the Product Protection Insurance policy:
- Coverage is limited to products being used in Australia, with the exception of Mobile Devices that can be used whilst temporarily travelling outside of Australia.
- Any cost associated with repair, removal, replacement or installation of the Covered Product will not be paid unless first authorised by the Claims Administrator.
- We may cancel your Product Protection Insurance Policy if any false or materially incorrect information is included when You make a claim, or if any material information is withheld.
- In the event your Covered Product is declared a Total Loss and a claim is paid out, Your Product Protection Insurance Policy ceases immediately and no refund of premium will be payable.
- If the Covered Product is unable to be repaired due to non-availability of parts, at Our discretion We will replace the Product or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, to the value of the remaining Maximum Policy Benefit and Your Policy ceases immediately and no refund of premium is payable as Your Cover has been fulfilled.
The Product Protection Insurance Policy does not provide cover for:
- Claims on Products that are not in Australia (except for Mobile Devices being used whilst travelling);
- Product repairs as a result of a recall from the Manufacturer or design defect by the Manufacturer;
- Periodic check-ups and/or preventative maintenance as directed by the manufacturer;
- Any and all pre-existing damage or failure that occurred prior to the Period of Cover commencing;
- Any Product sold as damaged;
- Parts or repairs required due to normal wear and tear which does not result in a Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown;
- Repair or replacement of upgraded internal components when repair or replacement is required due to incompatibility of parts or incorrect installation;
- Damage from abuse, misuse, introduction of foreign objects into the Covered Product, unauthorized modifications or alterations to a Covered Product or failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions;
- Damage from accident or mishandling (exclusion not applicable if Accidental Damage cover is taken);
- Scratches, peeling chips or dents;
- Parts normally designated to be replaced periodically by consumer or consumed during the life of the Product (i.e. cables, cords, cartridges, tapes, software items, batteries, fuses, bulbs, styli, ribbons, filters, toner and the like);
- Water damage if used under conditions which exceed product manufacturer's water resistance guidelines (excludes Products with Accidental Damage cover);
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown due to the Product not being serviced in accordance to the service requirements from the manufacturer's specifications, including manufacturer's scheduled cleaning and maintenance;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdowns due to external causes including third party actions, fire, theft, insects, animals, exposure to weather conditions, extreme temperature, windstorm, sand, dirt, hail, earthquake, flood, water, acts of god or consequential loss of any nature:
- Any Product used on a rental basis, for public use or used for commercial purposes;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown caused by war, invasion or act of foreign enemy, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, riot, strike, labour disturbance, lockout or civil commotion;
- Incidental, consequential or secondary damages or delay in rendering service under this Policy, or loss of use during the period that the Covered Product is at an authorised service centre;
- Non-functional or aesthetic parts including but not limited to plastic parts;
- Unauthorised repairs and/or parts;
- Accessories used in conjunction with a Covered Product;
- Any loss other than a Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown of the Covered Product or Accidental Damage if cover is taken;
- Improper installation of components or peripherals;
- Cost of installation, set-up, diagnostic charges, removal or reinstallation of the Covered Product;
- Failure due to incorrect electrical supply or improper use of electrical sources;
- Damage incurred during delivery, installation or while moving the Covered Product to another location (excludes Products with Accidental Damage cover);
- Any cost associated with access, repair, removal replacement, installation or re-installation of the Covered Product, unless this has been approved by the Claims Administrator and where the cost is in addition to the costs of assessment and any freight costs;
- Normal maintenance costs, including costs relating to the cleaning, filters, lubrication, alignment, tuning, reprogramming or adjustment to the Covered Product;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown as a result of improper or unauthorised modification or repair;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown caused by a failure to follow the manufacturer's installation or operating instructions;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown of any accessories not provided by the manufacturer with the Covered Product;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown from external sources including but not limited to infestation, flood, fire, interference, external wiring and connections, blocked plumbing, blocked hoses or non-compatibility of accessory equipment (but excluding power surges);
- Any issues arising as a result of non-operating or cosmetic deterioration that do not affect the functionality or operation of the Covered Product;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown caused by accidental (not applicable if Accidental Damage cover is taken) or deliberate damage, neglect, abuse, wilful act, misuse, theft, sand, water or liquid damage, corrosion or battery leakage, rust, mildew and mould;
- Any defects stated in the Product listing on www.ebay.com.au and any subsequent increase in that type of defect within the Product;
- Products that are dead on arrival;
- Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown of loudspeakers in speaker cabinets as a result of overloading;
- Loss of software, data, USB memory sticks as a result of viruses, malfunction or damage of an operating part;
- Any Product made that does not comply with Australian standards or specifications including but not limited to quality, safety, environmental requirements and any other such government regulations;
- Any Product that is not designed to operate in Australia;
- Any Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone battery repair or replacement claim where the Product was refurbished or used at the time of purchase;
- Any Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone battery repair or replacement claim when the Product was new at the time of purchase and the event arises in the second year of the Product's life;
- Any Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone battery repair or replacement claim if the battery in a fully charged state cannot support more than thirty minutes in a standby status at time of Product purchase; and
- Any second and subsequent Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone battery repair or replacement claim.
The Period of Cover is the period beginning on the date Cover commences and ending on the date Cover ceases. Provided You have paid the premium, You will be Covered during the Period of Cover subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set out in the Policy and Product Disclosure Statement.
The Start of Your Cover
Your Cover will commence after 30 days from the date You purchased Your Policy provided we have received payment of Your premium and confirmed acceptance of Your application by sending You an email with the Policy Schedule and PDS.
The End of Your Cover
Your Cover will end and no premium is refunded when any of the following occurs:
- On the date the Period of Cover expires;
- The Product is replaced or We provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose as a result of a claim under this Policy;
- The Maximum Policy Benefit is paid;
- The Covered Product is repossessed; or
- If the Product is sold and no valid Transfer of Ownership Form is accepted by Us within the specified timeframe.
Cooling-Off Period: You may cancel Your Policy during the cooling-off period and receive a full refund of Your premium, provided no claims have been lodged. See section 'Cooling Off Period' for details.
Other Cancellations:
- Cancellation by You
You can cancel this Policy at any time by advising Us in writing:
- By mail: PO Box 246, Balwyn VIC 3103
- By email: epolicy.au@virginiasurety.com
If the Policy is cancelled We will retain the pro rata amount of premium for the time that Cover has been provided together with Our Cancellation Fee.
- Cancellation by Us
We may cancel this Policy by giving You notice in writing in accordance with the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 for reasons including:
- Non-disclosure;
- Failure to comply with the conditions of this Policy;
- Misrepresentation; or
- Non-payment of premium.
If We or You cancel Your Policy, no premium is refunded if You have already made a claim on the Policy.
If We or You cancel Your Policy We will retain a pro-rata amount of premium for the time the Cover has been provided together with Our Cancellation Fee.
To lodge a claim contact the Claims Administrator on 1300 131 307 for assistance or lodge a claim at www.eclaims.virginiasurety.com.au. You will be required to forward through Your Original Tax Invoice (Your eBay order confirmation) so as You can provide details of the Product.
In the event of a claim You must notify the Claims Administrator immediately. Repairs must not commence unless authorised by the Claims Administrator.
Any Covered Products that are installed permanently (for example a home security system) or are heavy (for example TV's larger than 60cm) will be repaired on site where possible.
GST on claims payments
When We make a payment under this Policy for the acquisition of goods, services or other supply, We will reduce the amount of any payment by the amount of input tax credit (ITC) that You are entitled to, whether or not that acquisition is actually made. In the case that a compensation payment is made under this Policy in lieu of payment for the acquisition of goods, services or other supply, We will reduce the amount of that payment by the amount of ITC You would have been entitled to, had the payment been used to acquire goods, services or other supply.
Claim Recovery
We reserve the right to recover costs incurred by Us where We believe the incident is the responsibilityof another party. When We do this, We may take action in Your name and You will be required to cooperatewith Us and provide any information We may require.
Where We have replaced the Covered Product or provide You with a voucher or settlement by other means We choose, We will take possession of the faulty Product and dispose of it. Any value we are able to recover from the disposed Product will be retained by Us.
If the Covered Product is sold, the balance of Your Product Protection Insurance Policy canbe transferred to the new Product owner, by completing the Transfer of Ownership Form in this PDS.A Policy Transfer Fee is payable and the transaction must be finalised within 7 days of the sale.The Original Tax Invoice, the Policy Schedule and the Product Protection Insurance PDS must also be provided to the new Product owner by the original purchaser.
In the event of an Eligible Claim, the following costs are provided in addition to the Maximum Policy Benefit for the relevant Covered Product upon receiving receipts:
Food Spoilage
If Your Covered Product is a refrigerator or freezer We will reimburse the cost of replacing any spoiled food, subject to an overall Policy limit of $300 for all spoilage claims during the Period of Cover. You will be required to show evidence of food spoilage with food receipts and photos of the spoiled food in the event of a covered claim.
Laundry Service
If Your Covered Product is a clothes washer or clothes dryer We will reimburse the cost of dry cleaning or laundry services, subject to an overall Policy limit of $110 for all dry cleaning or laundry service claims during the Period of Cover. Dry cleaning/laundry receipts will be required in the event of a covered claim.
Contact Details | |
Policy Enquiries |
Claim Lodgements |
www.eclaims.virginiasurety.com.au 1300 131 307 |
Product Protection Insurance
Transfer Of Ownership Form
Should You sell Your Covered Product privately within the Period of Cover, this cover is transferable, subject to Our approval. Service and maintenance must have been carried out in accordance with the Manufacturer's requirements. Transfer is not available unless the Covered Product is sold to an individual who will use the Covered Product for purposes in Australia.
Please complete this Transfer of Ownership Form and return it within 7 days of sale with payment of the Policy Transfer Fee to:
Product Protection Insurance
Virginia Surety Company, Inc
PO Box 246, Balwyn 3103
I certify that I have sold my Covered Product and request that this Cover is transferred and confirm that the Original Tax Invoice, Policy Schedule and PDS have been passed to the new owner.
Policy Number:..........................................
Current Owner's Details
First Name ........................................................ Last Name ....................................................................
City ........................................................ State .................................................Postcode .......................
Phone.............................................. Product Type ..................................................................................
Manufacturer .............................................................. Model Number ....................................................
Signature ......................................................................................................... Date ...............................
New Owner's Details
First Name ........................................................ Last Name ....................................................................
Address ....................................................................................................................................................
City ......................................................... State ................................................... Postcode ...................
Phone .......................................................... Date of Transfer .................................................................
I have been provided with the Original Tax Invoice, Policy Schedule and PDS and accept the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Product Protection Insurance Policy.
New Owner's Signature .....................................................................................Date ..............................